~~~*Gemstone Heart*~~~
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(Claire here. I haven't made my own versions of everything on the page yet. I'm sure I'll get round to it eventually. I've got other work to do y'know.)

Theme Of Kokoro (19th September 2002)
Emily's version Claire's version
The day after I first contacted Claire on MSN, and we decided to do this dual-dimension website thing, I wrote this on my keyboard, just as an introduction. It's not a lot different to other things I've written but I'm hoping to change a bit over time and get better and develop my own style!

My one admittedly still sounds very "fake piano". I didn't change the arrangement very much at all, just added a few secondary instrumental parts and a little connecty bit to make it loop better. Also this one loops, and fades out, like what you'd get on a video game soundtrack release. I'm pretty fond of the mellotron flutes in the second section (you can't take the prog out of the girl). Ultimately it's still just kind of a simple little piece though, and I prefer Emily's version, I think the composition suits classic midi better.

Carry Down Dark River (20th October 2002)
Emily's version
Because I thought Claire was gonna make the site in September, I decided to hold off on composing until then. I didn't know I'd be waiting a whole month!! I was dying to get back to composing music!!! I started a lot of stuff the day after she told me she'd made it. This is the first one of those I've finished. On my old website I was trying to compose my own game soundtrack, but I hated some of it. I wanted to express myself but it turned into me just trying to write things I thought might impress my family members. Now I'm just trying to write what I feel like writing. I don't know what this music's for but the piano bit's probably obviously inspired by Black Omen from Chrono Trigger. And I don't know why it's called that, it's just what I thought it should be called.

Of And For Love And Sorrow (21st October 2002)
Emily's Version
I'm pretty proud of how this one turned out. It makes me think of a sad scene in a Final Fantasy or something, or some emotion at least. I couldn't decide whether to call it "Of Love And Sorrow" or "For Love And Sorrow", so I went with both, now it has this really weird long title! I like it though. (Please don't tell anyone I was doing this instead of my homework today! ;D)

The Honest Heart (25th October 2002)
Emily's Version
I love this one so much, I've never written anything as beautiful as this before, I swear. Originally I wanted it to loop like most of my music, but I changed my mind, I don't know why. Maybe 'cos the way it changes reminds me of Delicate Affection from Seiken Densetsu 3. And I don't mean the title as calling myself "honest", by the way, I just came up with a title that I think fits.

Once There Were Words (19th November 2002)
Emily's Version
My first song! I'm sorry it's so sad! I decided to make it emotional because I thought my first song should matter, and this is what came out, I promise I'm okay!! And I made my vocals quiet because I hate them, so you probably can't actually hear the words, ironically :D (will have to make a lyrics page at some point)