~~~*Gemstone Heart*~~~
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~About Another Me~

name: Emily Heart
age: 15
gender: femular
favourite game(s): Legend Of Dragoon, and Final Fantasy 8
favourite band/artist (or composer really in my case): probably Yasunori Mitsuda, but of course I really like Nobuo Uematsu as well

additional information:
I'm in Year 11 at school and I'm doing Music, German, Media Studies and IT. I hate IT though, it's boring, and the teacher, Mr. [nope], just sits around doing nothing every lesson instead of telling us how to do anything. Surely if you want your students to do well, you should actually teach them things, no? Anyway.

I want to be a famous music artist. Or maybe a composer for computer games.
I didn't know I liked music for the longest time. Even though I always used to hum game music around the house, and remember tamagotchis? I once beeped the rhythm of Green Hill Zone from Sonic on my tamagotchi and asked my brother if he could guess what it was (he couldn't). And I picked up the keyboard around age 10, and throughout my childhood I always liked playing with instruments and anything that made sounds. When I saw people putting their own music on the internet, I thought "I want to do that too!"! So. Now I am. :D