~~~*Gemstone Heart*~~~
Home/Updates Journal Music About Me & About This About Another Me Links


here's some paragraphs below the head banner

i've to do this so the actual proper stuff doesn't get covered up by it. It's inelegant but it works.


Welcolm to ***~Gemstone Heart~***!

(chance I may've specifically optimised this for a 1920x1080 monitor, and other sized monitors won't display it properly. Oopsles if so!)


19th November 2023: NEW SONG: Once There Were Words.

25th October 2023: NEW MUSIC: The Honest Heart.

21st October 2023: NEW MUSIC: Carry Down Dark River and Of And For Love And Sorrow.

19th October 2023: NEW MUSIC: Theme Of Kokoro. Also, website finally actually begins for realsies.

18th October 2023: Actually told Emily that I've completed the website but it was at like gone 9pm and she didn't have time to write anything.

17th October 2023: Completed mk1 of the website.

16th October 2023: Began actually learning html a bit and, as such, made a basically presentable "mk0" version of the website.

26th September 2023: Claimed URL and brought into existence thing that can be called a flipping website at all.

18th September 2023: Made first contact (or rather was made first contact with).