~ F L O R A L - T E M P O R A L ~

~ L Y R I C S ~
this is gonna fill the hecko up pretty soon, and I'm gonna have to make a list up here with them quick links that take you down the page probably.
Or simply encourage ctrl+F, but where's the elegance in that, eh?

~ 67 Anchovies ~
on 67 Anchovies, 2023

67 anchovies
havin' a real good time
67 anchovies
mysterious paradigm

~ I Don't Want To Be Special ~
currently a Patreon exclusive

i don't want to be special
i just want to be friends
i don't want to be a storybook
or a letter you can send
i just want to connect with you
without a character in the way
could you tear up the script for me please
and don't be led by old clichés

it's been so exhausting
three decades all the same
i'm so sick of you all just
trying to be cool
or playing the fool
whatever role might win the game

'cos i don't want to impress you
i just want to be nice
i won't pretend to be a restaurant
because i've only got instant rice
and i don't need you to thrill me
just tell me how you feel
and we might laugh at each other's jokes
but there's more that makes it real

aren't you sick of the artifice
the rigmarole, the mechanics of this
you just pick a clown and off you go
a cartoon face, lying to the world
aren't you tired of trying so hard
to excite the fickle fashionable farce
who'll leave you stranded if you don't perform
or, on a whim, won't let you in at all
why does it matter
i'll never understand

'cos i don't want to be special.

~ The Day I Die ~
on The Day I Die, 2024

the day i die, will i see you for the first time
carrying a smile that i've failed to imagine
and ghost arms, and ghost lips, and ghost eyes, and ghost grip
never let me go, we're together now

i can't call to life the will that i had once before
no more breath in the spirit
i don't want the end but i feel like i'm already there

just lying here trying again
just wasting away
with someone to live for, who, heavens above,
i know i'll never kiss

so when i die, please could you carry me off beside you
wherever you wish
the one thing i want in this flea-bitten world is just
not to be so alone anymore

a placeholder image which will not be present on the real website.





placeholder image.

here's some stuff for the right
the right side of the screen
or, y'know, of the website.
well both, really.

placeholder image.